Surgical and Non-Surgical Peri-implantitis Treatment Protocols
99 USD
45 USD
DL Credits: 240
Surgical and Non-Surgical Peri-implantitis Treatment Protocols
DL Credits
03:00 hours
Learning Objectives:
Learn surgical approaches based on peri-implantitis defects
Discuss combined resective and regenerative therapies
Discuss bone regenerative techniques, especially regarding clinical outcomes on re-entry
To Prevent Peri-implantitis and Plan for Long-term Success
To be capable of implementing differentiated protocols to treat mucositis or peri-implantitis, different from the ones for maintaining peri-implant oral health.
To provide a maintenance program for each patient emphasizing oral hygiene to achieve long-term health of both teeth and implants.
√ The non-surgical approach has proven to be quite effective in case of mucositis, combining adequate home care with appropriate mechanical instrumentation.
Conversely, in the case of peri-implantitis with progressive and irreversible bone loss, the site specific non-surgical phase should always be the initial treatment of choice. Often, we are able to attain unpredictable satisfactory results, even in the long term, which can prolong the survival of severely ailing implants.
Numerous clinical images, didactic drawings and videos related to clinical cases with follow up will illustrate how to obtain an effective decontamination/detoxification of the implant surface with innovative materials for a multiple antimicrobial approach. This will be demonstrated applying differentiated protocols used to maintain peri-implant tissue health and in the treatment of mucositis and/or peri-implantitis.
Although it is often possible to treat peri-implant disease, prevention remains the best cure.
Peri-implantitis is a bacterial infection of peri-implant
supporting tissues, characterized by loss of supporting bone. Early interception is a crucial factor that can improve treatment prognosis.
The primary objective of surgical treatment in peri-implantitis lesions is to get access to the exposed implant surface to optimize the removal of bacterial contaminants and decontamination or conditioning, resolving the inflammatory lesion. Additionally, it is necessary to reconstruct the lost periodontal tissues even if the process of re-osseointegration is not currently considered predictable.
Several peri-implantitis cases with survival follow up, strategies, clinical protocol and step by step techniques for treatment will be presented.
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