Mr. Rusin Adrian

Internationally recognized as an educator and innovator for personal transformation. Adrian Rusin is an American trained medical support-clinical hypnotherapist known for bridging science, hypnosis and spirituality in clinical studies with the National Institutes of Health. Through his enlightening lectures and therapy strategies he helps transform the lives of students and clients using the most up to date knowledge, tools and techniques of hypnosis for mind-body treatment.


"Hypnosis is a natural state, not something that happens to you.

Hypnosis is a learning and creative process of the mind. Many discover themselves and go on to live happier, healthier lives without fear. Some connect with levels of awareness so intense that their perception of life is forever changed. Others become explorers of wisdom and truth and add hypnosis as a new routine to their life." Adrian Rusin


  • United States Department of Veterans Affairs - Hypnosis Trainer for medical staff working with veterans.
  • Researcher for National Institutes of Health - The benefit of hypnosis as an integrative therapy.
  • International Lecturer and Speaker - Teaching the world how to empower and heal using the mind through hypnosis.
  • Hypnotherapist - Guiding clients for over 20 years.

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