Dr. Trasarti Stefano
2001 Graduated cum laude in Dentistry.
2003-2004: Master in "Conservative Dentistry with Advanced Technologies" at the University of Bologna
2005-2007: Master of "Surgery, Periodontology and Implantology" at the University of Bologna.
2008-2012 collaboration with Prof. F. Khoury at the Zahnklinik Schellenstein in Olsberg (Germany).
2012 Postgraduate Program in Oral Surgery: Olsberg, and specialist examination in Oral Surgery (University of Munster) – Germany
2019-2021 Visiting Professor – Istituto Stomatologico Toscano (Università G. Marconi and Unicamillus – Rome)
He practices his profession focusing on bone reconstruction of the jaws for implant purposes both in Italy and in Germany