Controversies and Innovations in Implant Esthetics
Starts 13.Sep.2023
09:00 GMT-5:00
Ends 15.Sep.2023
15:00 GMT-5:00
United States, New York City
NYU - College of Dentistry
1 module
3 days
Event Details
Surgical and Restorative Management of Intact (Type 1) Extraction Sockets with Dental Implants in the Esthetic Zone
Sept 13, 2023
- Flap Versus Flapless Tooth Extraction: Evidence-Based Rationale
- Blood Supply to the Labial Plate
- Labial Contour and Ridge Dimensional Change
- Tooth Extraction Techniques with Specific Instrumentation
- 3D Spatial Implant Placement within the Anterior Extraction Socket
- The Influence of Implant Position on Restorative Emergence Profile
- Gap Distance and Wound Healing
- Primary Flap Closure Versus Secondary Intention Wound Healing
- Hard Tissue Grafting the Gap
- Risk of Apical Socket Perforation based upon CBCT Studies
- Bone Thickness and Ridge Dimensional Change
- Peri-implant Soft Tissue Thickness
- Dual-Zone Socket Management
- Bone Graft Material for Dual-Zone Therapy
- Prosthetic Socket Sealing
- Sulcular Bleeding at First Disconnection of an Implant Healing Abutment
- Cement- Versus Screw-Retained Provisional and Definitive Restorations
- Angulated Screw Channel Abutments
- Platform Switching
- Co-Axial Versus Uniaxial Implants
- Clinical Case Examples
Sept 14, 2023
Immediate implant placement into anterior and posterior extraction sockets with co-axial and ultrawide diameter implants
Surgical and Restorative Management of Molar Extraction Sockets
- Tooth Extraction techniques for Multi-Rooted Teeth
- Utilization of special implant designs for molar sockets
- Molar Socket Classification
- Implant Placement into Molar Extraction Sockets
- How to deal with gap distances
- When to graft around molar implants
- How to deal with molar sockets with dehiscence defects
- Timing of loading
- Fabrication and use of custom healing abutments
Afternoon Hands-On:
- Discussion and demonstration of atraumatic tooth removal without flap elevation
- Techniques using co-axial implants placed into maxillary anterior extraction sockets
- Provisional crown restoration fabrication and custom healing abutment on co-axial implant
- Techniques used to remove multirooted teeth through tooth sectioning
- Placement of ultrawide implants into molar extraction sockets
- Custom healing abutment fabrication on ultrawide diameter implant
- Use of Pre-formed Ovate Pontics (POP)
Sept 15, 2023
Interdisciplinary Management of Esthetic Problem Cases
- When to Remove or Save and Remediate Implants in the Esthetic Zone
- Connective tissue grafting and type
- Double grafting technique
- Triple grafting technique
- Angled screw channel abutments with uniaxial implants
- Loss of papilla
- Black triangle problems
- Integration of periodontics, orthodontics and restorative dentistry
- Pink solutions versus grafting
- Ridge augmentation procedures
- Types of bone graft materials for each situation
- Type of membranes
- Splinting to natural teeth
- When and how to do it to prevent intrusion
- Long term growth and changes in adult that can effect your esthetic outcomes
- Proper sequence of therapy to maximize outcomes
Key Facts
Take part in a groundbreaking interactive course taught directly by Dr. Dennis P. Tarnow and Dr. Stephen J. Chu, the world's leading implant and esthetic dentists. Course tuition covers hands-on experience, coffee breaks, daily lunch and all course materials, including textbook and certificate for 18 CE credits.